• Words of Grace 04/06

    “In that time, many will be scandalized, betrayed and hate one another; many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And, because iniquity multiplies, love will grow cold of almost everyone. who endures to the end, he will be saved “. Mt 24: 10-13 I declare in the strength...

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  • Words of Grace 04/06

    I Isaiah 40: 31 “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, will ascend with wings like eagles; they will run, and they will not tire; they will walk, and they will not weary.” Hallelujah!…♥️🔥🙏🏻

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  • Word of Grace 3/26

    He (Jesus) is first of all. Everything remains in it. He is the head of the body, of the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn among the dead, in order to have primacy in all things Cl. 1: 17.18 Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus! GOOD MORNING!

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  • Word of Grace 3/25

    Therefore, you are not worth worrying, saying, What will we eat? What will we drink? Or yet: What will we wear? 32. For they are the pagans that treat them all. But your heavenly father knows what needs of all these things. 33. Cachy, thus, first, the Kingdom of God...

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  • Words of Grace 3/24

    Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it work in vain; if the LORD does not guard the city, the watchman is in vain. It will be useless for you to get up at dawn, to rest late, to eat the bread you painfully grows; he gives it...

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  • Words of Grace 3/21

    God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in adversity. Therefore, we will fear nothing, even though the earth trembles and the mountains sink into the heart of the sea, even though the waters are ragged and hurled against the rocks with fury. There is a river whose channels...

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  • Words of Grace 03/20

    “Because it is important that we all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive according to the good or evil he has done through the body”. II Cor 5: 10 * GOOD MORNING SAINTS AND DARLINGS OF THE LORD!

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  • Words of Grace 3/19

    So what do we say, the view of these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own son, before, for all of us gave him away❤, will he not graciously give us all things with him? ❤ Who brought a...

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  • Words of Grace 03/18

    It is essential that we cling firmly to what we hear, so that we do not stray. If the old message delivered by the angels was valid and no one could despise it, do you think we can risk despising the last, this magnificent salvation? First of all, it was...

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  • Prayer 03/17

    Grace and peace beloved! * The Bible says that prayer made by a righteous person can do much in its effects. Let’s have a moment of prayer for the nations. Man and Woman of God, today the 17th at 20hs we will enter the secret with our Father, you can...

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  • Words of Grace 3/17

    knowing, first, this: that no prophecy of Scripture comes from particular elucidation; because no prophecy was ever given by human will; however, men [saints] spoke from God, moved by the Holy Spirit. * II Peter 1: 20,21 *

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  • Words of Grace 3/13

    “So, go ahead! Full of faith, confident that we are presentable to him, we will cling to the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let us be creative in love, encouragement and help. Do not avoid meetings of worship , as some do, despising the brothers,...

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  • Words of Grace 03/12

    “Jesus said,” I know. I saw the fall of Satan. It felt like lightning falling from heaven. Did you see what I gave you? It is a safe-conduct to walk among snakes and scorpions and a protection against any attack by the Enemy. No one can lay hands on you,...

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  • Words of Grace 03/11

    GOOD MORNING! 🙌🏼❤ “Abraham, hoping against hope, believed, to become the father of many nations, as he was told: So will your offspring. one hundred years, and Sarah’s old age, did not doubt, out of unbelief, the promise of God; *Romans 4: 18-21* We live by faith!

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  • Words of Grace 03/10

    GOOD MORNING! 🙌🏼❤ “Abraham, hoping against hope, believed, to become the father of many nations, as he was told: So will your offspring. one hundred years, and Sarah’s old age, did not doubt, out of unbelief, the promise of God; *Romans 4: 18-21* We live by faith!

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  • Words of Grace 03/09

    “Do not rebuke the scorner, lest he bore you; rebuke the wise, and he will love you. Give instruction to the wise, and he will become even wiser; teach the righteous, and he will grow in prudence. The fear of the LORD is the principle of wisdom, and the knowledge...

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