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Words of Grace 3/19

So what do we say, the view of these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own son, before, for all of us gave him away❤, will he not graciously give us all things with him? ❤ Who brought a charge against the elect of God? It is God who justifies us.
Who had condemned them? It is Christ Jesus who died or, rather, who rose, who is at the right hand of God and also intercedes for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Is it tribulation, anguish, persecution, hunger, nakedness, danger, sword? As it is written: for your sake, we are put to death all day long, we were considered as sheep for the slaughter.
But in all of these things, however, we are more than sellers, through the one who loved us❤❤❤ because I am quite sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor the things of the present , nor of the future, nor the powers, nor the height, nor the depth, nor any other creature can separate us from the love of God ❤❤❤que in Christ esta
Love you Jesus.

even if an army surrounds me, my being will not give in to fear; even if a war breaks out against me, I will maintain my Unshakable FAITH.

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